The Pro Farmer


Bacterial leaf spot treatment

This disease is caused by four species of bacteria. It occurs in tomato and pepper. It causes leaf and fruit spots, which leads to defoliation, sun-scalded fruit, and yield loss. leaf lesions are initially circular and water-soaked and surrounded by a faint yellow halo. When the disease affects the young pepper plants, it causes severe …

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How to Get Rid of Slugs and Snails in Your Garden: The Best Slugs and Snail Baits

Slugs and snails are common garden pests that can cause damage to plants. They are both mollusks and have similar feeding habits, using their rasping mouthparts to eat holes in leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits. The problem with slugs and snails is that they can quickly multiply and cause widespread damage to plants in a …

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How can you Sanitize your garden soil?

Organic and chemical methods to sanitize your planting soil. Soil borne diseases are many and varied and they develop under different environmental conditions and attack different plants. Different types of organisms such as fungal, bacteria, virus and nematodes (microscopic worms) are causing diseases. Common soil borne diseases include damping-off, root rot and vascular wilt. Every …

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Beneficial insectaries

Beneficial insects against pests Natural enemies are defined as insects used for biological pest control after being defined as such by qualified taxonomists. Its purpose is to gain control over the pest’s population by ecological means and biological methods. The need for biological pesticides has risen in recent years, due to increased awareness of the …

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Natural pesticides for plants

Organic pesticides Organic pesticides are usually considered as pesticides that come from natural sources. These natural sources are usually plants, minerals, fungus and bacteria. Even if a product is considered to be organic, it is still a pesticide. It is important to be careful when using any pesticide, even organic or natural pesticides. Just because …

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