Rats are pests from the rodent family that can transmit various diseases and cause various damage to homes, restaurants and businesses.
Rats have a set of traits and abilities that allow them to be established anywhere, they have a very developed sense of smell, a very sharp sense of touch, and hearing.
Add to this the fact that the rat is a very smart animal capable of learning quickly and sharing its personal experience with the rest of the members of the population along with the fact that it has a natural fear of new things which makes it very cautious.
You get a pest that is very difficult to eradicate without the necessary knowledge and experience and therefore, inexperienced exterminators often have difficulty eradicating rats.
If you used inappropriate bait and the rats did not die, or linked the poison to a mortality in the population, it will not be possible to carry out pest control in the same place by baits over time.
Because of the rat’s intelligence and learning ability they will avoid any food left in the environment.
The rats are mainly active at night, eating and gnawing everything, they have a high ability to swim and dive.
In the case where a rat was observed during the day, this indicates a very high level of infestation and this is because a rat is an active animal at night.
Usually these will be the weak individuals that have been forced to operate in the less good hours by the alpha rats and this implies a large and established population.
A pair of rodents can produce around 500 offspring in five months in optimal conditions and live in populations ranging from a family of father, mother and an average of 6 offspring to populations of dozens of individuals consisting of the extended family.
If you have identified a few individuals this could indicate the existence of a large rodent population nearby and there is usually no single individual in a particular environment – you have seen one there is certainly more!
The first step is to identify the rat – then either we come across the rat, usually a gray color measuring 20 cm
Or we see coffee beans, we see rat feces.
Glue traps
So, the glue traps are mostly intended for mice (there are also for rats) – traps that cause them a lot of suffering.
After the mouse gets glued to the trap, you throw them together to the garbage.

Cage traps
Another type of trap that is a little more cumbersome, but a little more humane, are the cage traps.
Usually, we can place the cage trap near the wall, the rat will come inside and then we are basically left with a live rat inside a trap.
The rat can be released in a remote place, or the second situation is to simply kill the rat usually by drowning.

Snap traps
Another type of trap, is the snap traps, these traps cause the least suffering to the rat because they are simply Killing it on the spot.
We place the bait, the rat puts its head down, and just before it touches the bait it dies.

We put the pesticides in the sewers of the house and within so-called feeding boxes or bait stations.
Using feeding boxes also gives us confidence that a child, baby or animal we love will not touch the poison, and the rat also feels much more comfortable eating the poison when it is in a dark place, in a closed place, in a place where no one is threatening it.

The advantage of the pesticides is that they can kill a very large number of rats at once, unlike a trap that can catch one by one – the pesticide can kill a lot at once.
The downside to using pesticides is that we have to be a little patient.
Although we will kill a large number of rats at once, from the moment the rat eats the poison until it dies it takes about 3-4 days.
The pesticide contains an anticoagulant-type toxin that prevents blood clotting.
It kills the mouse or rat between five days to a week and a half, from the moment it was eaten (actual eating can occur several days after application) as a result of internal hemorrhage.
Exterminating rats in the food business and factories requires regular monthly care in order to ensure that the rat population does not grow and lead to damage to the goods and food in the business area.
Try to use at least 3 different types of rat/mice poisons, in order to confuse them and don’t let them learn to avoid what kill them.
The difference can be with the shape or the active Ingredient of the pesticide.
Don’t forget to always wear gloves when touching the pesticides.

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